Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jane Goodall REASON FOR HOPE October 2011

We meet on October 30, 2011 at a member's home to discuss Jane Goodall's work Reason for Hope. To me she is one of the few persons living who match (or even exceed) John Muir's legacy as a sort of environmental saint. Some years ago, I was honored to hear Dr. Goodall lecture at the National Geographic Society and thrilled to meet her at the book signing afterward. She exudes a timeless inner peace and wisdom, along with a mischievious sense of humor.

At the book signing, just as my companion and I were about to step up to the table after a long wait in line, a woman bustled up with a suited man in tow. She rudely pushed in front of us to introduce the man to Dr. Goodall. It was evident that she believed this gentleman was so important that her behavior was excusable. Jane graciously shook his hand and they just as quickly went away. She then turned to us and met my eyes.

Her eyes were twinkling and she had that slight smile one sees so often in her photographs. In that instant, she said volumes. Having spent decades studying aggression and hierarchy among the chimpanzees, she was quite obviously amused at this display of familiar primate behavior. So I smiled back in acknowledgment of what we had just observed among our own species and we proceeded with having our copy of her book inscribed.

I look forward to our discussion. New participants may attend as a current member's guest or email for more information.

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